

混合性結合組織病 MCTD の診断基準(厚労省2019)

2019 Diagnostic criteria for mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD): From the Japan research committee of the ministry of health, labor, and welfare for systemic autoimmune diseases

Tanaka Y, et al. Mod Rheumatol. 2021 Jan;31(1):29-33.



Table 1. Diagnostic criteria for mixed connective tissue disease 2019, from the Japan research committee of the ministry of health, labor, and welfare for systemic autoimmune diseases.



 I. Common manifestations 共通所見

  1. Raynaud’s phenomenon レイノー現象
  2. Puffy fingers and/or swollen hands パッフィーフィンガーand/or 手の腫れ 


II. Immunological manifestation 免疫学的所見

Positivity for anti-U1 ribonucleoprotein antibody 抗U1-RNP抗体陽性


III. Characteristic organ involvement 特徴的な臓器障害

  1. Pulmonary arterial hypertension 肺高血圧症
  2. Aseptic meningitis 無菌性髄膜炎
  3. Trigeminal neuropathy三叉神経障害


IV. Overlapping manifestationsオーバーラップする所見

A. Systemic lupus erythematosus-like manifestations SLE様所見

  1. Polyarthritis 多関節炎
  2. Lymphadenopathy リンパ節腫脹
  3. Malar rash 頬部紅斑
  4. Pericarditis or pleuritis 心膜炎or胸膜炎
  5. Leukopenia (4,000/lL or less) or thrombocytopenia (100,000/lL or less) WBC≦4000or血小板≦10万


B. Systemic sclerosis-like manifestations 強皮症様所見

  1. Sclerodactyly 強指症
  2. Interstitial lung disease 間質性肺疾患
  3. Esophageal dysmotility or dilatation 食道の運動障害or拡張


C. Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis-like manifestations PM/DM様所見

  1. Muscle weakness 筋力低下
  2. Elevated levels of myogenic enzymes 筋酵素の上昇
  3. Myogenic abnormalities on electromyogram 筋電図で筋原性パターン


Diagnosis: Mixed connective tissue disease is diagnosed when a patient meets all the following: at least one common manifestation, immunological manifestation, and at least one characteristic organ involvement; or when a patient meets all the following: at least one common manifestation, immunological manifestation, and at least one feature each in 2 or more from items A, B, and C in overlapping manifestations.










3. In children and adolescents, mixed connective tissue disease can also be diagnosed when a patient meets all the following: at least one common manifestation, immunological manifestation and at least one feature from items A, B, or C in overlapping manifestations.小児と若年者ではMCTDは患者が少なくとも1つの共通項目、免疫学的所見、オーバーラップ所見でA, B, Cの項目の少なくとも1つの所見を有する場合、MCTDと診断してもよい。


4. 鑑別診断は特徴的な臓器障害を決定する上で前提となる。例えば無菌性髄膜炎と診断した場合、感染性(おもにウイルス性)の髄膜炎、薬剤性髄膜炎、腫瘍関連髄膜炎を慎重に除外すべき。鑑別診断は患者によって異なり、もし考慮すべき大切な鑑別診断がはっきりしない場合は専門のリウマトロジストに相談すべき。