


Table 2. Multinational recommendations forthe use of methotrexate in RA and other rheumatic disorders
1 The work-up for patients startingmethotrexate should include clinical assessment of risk factors formethotrexate toxicity (including alcohol intake), patient education, AST, ALT,albumin, CBC, creatinine, chest x ray (obtained within the previous year);consider serology for HIV, hepatitis B/C, blood fasting glucose, lipid profileand pregnancy test.
4 C 8.2 (1.9)
MTXを開始した患者のwork-upにはアルコール摂取を含むMTX毒性の危険因子の臨床的評価、患者教育、AST,ALT, Albumin, CBC, creatinine, 胸部X線(1年以内に撮像された);HIVBC型肝炎、空腹時の血糖値、脂質、妊娠検査 
2 Oral methotrexate should be started at 10–15 mg/week, with escalation of 5 mg every 2–4 weeks up to 20– 30 mg/week,depending on clinical response and tolerability; parenteral administrationshould be considered in the case of inadequate clinical response orintolerance.
2b B 7.8 (2.6)
3 Prescription of at least 5 mg folic acidper week with methotrexate therapy is strongly recommended.
1a– A 7.5 (2.7)  
4 When starting methotrexate or increasingthe dose, ALT with or without AST, creatinine and CBC should be performed every1–1.5 months until a stable dose is reached and every 1–3 months thereafter;clinical assessment for side effects and risk factors should be performed ateach visit.
4 C 8.1 (2.1)
5 Methotrexate should be stopped if thereis a confirmed increase in ALT/AST greater than three times the ULN, but may bereinstituted at a lower dose following normalisation. If the ALT/AST levels arepersistently elevated up to three times the ULN, the dose of methotrexateshould be adjusted; diagnostic procedures should be considered in the case ofpersistently elevated ALT/AST more than three times the ULN afterdiscontinuation.
2b C 7.4 (2.3)
6 Based on its acceptable safety profile,methotrexate is appropriate for long-term use.
2b B 8.7 (1.9)
7 In DMARD-naive patients the balance ofthe efficacy/toxicity favours methotrexate monotherapy over combination withother conventional DMARD; methotrexate should be considered as the anchor forcombination therapy when methotrexate monotherapy does not achieve diseasecontrol.
1a– A 8.3 (2.1)  
8 Methotrexate, as a steroid-sparing agent,is recommended in giant-cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica and can beconsidered in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus or (juvenile)dermatomyositis.
1b B 7.7 (2.1)
9 Methotrexate can be safely continued inthe perioperative period in RA patients undergoing elective orthopaedicsurgery.
1b B 8.8 (1.9)
10 Methotrexate should not be used for atleast 3 months before planned pregnancy for men and women and should not beused during pregnancy or breast feeding.
4 C 8.2 (2.7)