


cadmを検索し、Clinical manifestations of dermatomyositis and polymyositis in adultsを読みます。
Amyopathic dermatomyositis(筋疾患のない皮膚筋炎) - “Clinically amyopathic dermatomyositis”(CADM) (臨床的に筋疾患がない皮膚筋炎)は歴史的には”dermatomyositis sine myositis”と呼ばれ、典型的には皮膚筋炎の典型的な皮膚症状があるものの、筋力低下の臨床所見がない[41-44]。二つのサブタイプに分かれる。ひとつのサブタイプは“hypomyopathic dermatomyositis” (HDM)と呼ばれ、ラボ、筋電図、筋生検、画像にて筋炎のサブクリニカルな所見はあるが、臨床上は筋力低下がないもの;もうひとつのサブタイプは“amyopathic dermatomyositis” (ADM)と呼ばれ、臨床上筋力低下がなく、ラボや筋肉の検査異常もないものを言う。
J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006 Apr;54(4):597-613.
A systematic review of adult-onset clinically amyopathic dermatomyositis (dermatomyositis siné myositis): a missing link within the spectrum of the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies.
Table1 Definitions of terms relating to cutaneous DM used in this study
Amyopathic DM (ADM)
A subset of DM patients characterized by biopsy-confirmed hallmark cutaneous manifestations of classical DM occurring for 6 months or longer with no clinical evidence of proximal muscle weakness and no serum muscle enzyme abnormalities. If more extensive muscle testing is carried out, the results should be within normal limits (if such results are positive or abnormal, the patient can be classified as having ‘‘hypomyopathic dermatomyositis’’ [see below]). Exclusion criteria for amyopathic DM include the following:
皮膚生検で確認された典型的な皮膚筋炎の皮疹に特徴づけられる皮膚筋炎の患者のサブセットで、6ヶ月以上、近位筋の筋力低下がなく、筋原生酵素上昇のないもの。もしより詳しい筋検査が行われているのであれば、その検査結果は正常範囲でなければならない(もしその検査が陽性であったり異常であった場合は患者は‘‘hypomyopathic dermatomyositis’’と分類される)。Amyopathic DMとするための除外基準には以下がある:
(1) Treatment with systemic immunosuppressive therapy for 2 consecutive months or longer within the first 6 months after skin disease onset (such therapy could prevent the development of clinically significant myositis).
(2) Use of drugs at the time of cutaneous disease onset that are known to be capable of producing isolated DM-like skin changes (eg, hydroxyurea)
Cliniically amyopathic DM (CADM)
A functional umbrella designation used to refer to amyopathic DM and/or hypomyopathic DM patients as defined here (ie, clinically amyopathic DM = amyopathic DM + hypomyopathic DM). The CADM designation has been coined to emphasize the fact that the predominant clinical problem is protracted skin disease in patients so affected.
ここで定義するAmyopathic DM and/or hypomyopathic DMの患者を表すために用いられる、機能的な包括的な称号(すなわち、CADM = ADM + HDM)。CADMの称号は、それに罹患した患者における臨床上の主な問題が持続的な皮膚疾患であるという事実を強調するために作られた。
Hypomyopathic DM
A designation for patients with cutaneous DM and no clinical evidence of muscle disease (ie, weakness) for 6 months or longer, who during evaluation are found to have subclinical evidence of myositis upon laboratory (eg, muscle enzymesy), electrophysiologic, and/or radiologic evaluation. The same exclusion criteria listed for amyopathic DM above apply here as well.
皮膚筋炎の皮膚症状を有し、筋疾患の臨床的証拠(筋力低下など)が6カ月以上ないが、精査中にラボ(筋原生酵素の上昇)、筋生理学的検査、and/or 画像的検査においてサブクリニカルな筋炎の証拠があると分かった患者の称号。